I still don't have the information to prove my point, but I believe others do share my view on this matter. But maybe this article by Houri-Ze'evi et al (2016) can start a very promising, interesting and much necessary debate. Times are exciting for science, especially for defining our human nature.
Don't mind 'too much' about the content of the video (I am sharing it as a starting point, an entry door to a discussion), I'm not the author but I do share his overall opinion on the matter. However, for the sake of scientific reliability, we all lack on solid proof for consubstantiation of our belief on this matter. But the debate has been triggered, What 'you think?
[1] Houri-Ze'evi, L., Korem, Y., Sheftel H et al (2016). "A tunable mechanism determines the duration of the transgenerationalsmall RNA inheritance in C. elegans". Cell, 165(1), pp. 88-99.
Post image kindly taken from Reset.Me [http://reset.me/story/science-proving-memories-passed-ancestors/].
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