Thursday 10 February 2011

A Job in Science? You do the Maths!, a job advertising website, my personal favourite so far, conducted a survey on their huge database of graduate jobseekers "to really find out what their outlook, ambitions and expectations are in today's job market climate". 

In their own words "The results revealed some fascinating insights for current and future graduates, as well as other interested groups such as parents, employers and career advisers."

To start with, what are the real key insights? As one can understand from the results presented by this survey and made available by

"The graduate business ethic appears to remain strong..."

"Even in the light of recent government cutbacks, graduates have not rejected the public sector as a career opportunity with 5.7% exclusively looking to the public sector for their next job, and over 50% considering public sector jobs equally with the private sector."

"... pragmatic and flexible approach can be seen..., with 22.8% of graduates prepared to go anywhere in the world to get a job. However, 38.4% see London as the next step in their employment in recognition that the City offers the greatest number of graduate opportunities."

My question is, what's happening in what regards Science graduates, Science roles and The Scientific job market?  So let's take a look at the infographic at our disposal to understand how science can fulfill young scientists' job grabbing desires! Also, the results of this survey reveal general emerging problems that will take a long time for people to cope with and governments to try and solve!

If you have a story to tell, an opinion on this subject or would like to add any feedback, by all means, The Toxycologist Today is the pulpit.

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